
Disclaimer RummyHome website

We, the authors and owners of the Rummy Home website, would like to provide the following disclaimer to provide clarity about the information provided on our website. Please read this disclaimer carefully.

1. Information provision:

The information provided on our website is for informational purposes only. While we have made every effort to ensure that the information contained is accurate and up-to-date, we do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Users should conduct their own background checks and make informed decisions at their own risk.

2. Gaming Tips and Strategies:

Rummy Home provides some gaming tips and strategies but is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by users based on the use of these tips. Users must make their own decisions and risk their own funds.

3. External Links:

Our website may contain links to third party websites that may be useful or informative. We have no control over the content of these third party websites and are not responsible for their content, accuracy or completeness. Users follow links to third party websites at their own risk.

4. Limitation of Liability:

We, including our employees, are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from access to or use of our website.These may be losses related to profits, income, information, business reputation or other tangible or intangible losses.

5. Changes in Information:

We reserve the right to change, update or delete information on our website at any time without notice. We are under no obligation to update any information on our website.

6. Governing Law:

Any disputes arising out of the use of our website will be governed by the applicable laws in the relevant jurisdiction.

Attention! We strongly recommend that you read this disclaimer before using our website. If you do not agree to this disclaimer, please do not use our website. User safety and satisfaction with our services is our priority and we strive to provide the best experience for our visitors.

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